Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Word Coinage

Word Coinage
            As we have seen above, new words may be added to the vocabulary or lexicon of language by derivational processes. New words may also enter a language in a variety of other ways. Some are created outright to fit some purpose. Madison Avenue has added many new words to English, such as Kodak, nylon, Orlon, and Dacron. Specific brand names such as Xerox, Kleenex, jell-o, Frigidaire, Brillo, and Vaseline are now sometimes used as the general name for different brands of these same types of products. Notice that some of these words were created from existing words: Kleenex from the words clean and jell-o from gel, for example.

New words may be formed by stringing together other words to create compound words. There is almost no limit on the kinds of combinations that occur in English, as can be seen by the examples in the following list of compounds:
                                    -Adjective                               -Noun                          -Verb
Adjective-                   Bittersweet                              poorhouse                    highborn
Noun-                          headstrong                              rainbow                       spoonfeed
Verb-                           carryall                                    pickpocket                   sleepwalk

Note that Frigidaire is a compound formed by combining the adjective frigid with the noun air.  When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category: noun + noun – girlfriend, fighter-bomber, paperclip, elevator-operator, landlord, and mailman; adjective + adjective – icy-cold, red-hot, worldly-wise. In many cases, when the two words fall into different categories the class of the second or final words will be the grammatical category of the compound: noun + adjective – headstrong, watertight, lifelong; verb + noun – pickpocket, pinchpenny, daredevil, sawbones. This is not always true; compound formed with a preposition are in the category of the nonprepositional part of the compound: overtake, hanger-on, undertake, backdown, afterbirth, downfall, uplift.
Tough two-word compounds are the most common in English, it would be difficult to state an upper limit: three-time loser, four-dimensional space time, sergeant-at-arms, mother-of-pearl, man about town, master of ceremonies, and daughter-in-law.

Improving Students’ Ability in Speaking Through Speaking Competition

Improving Students’ Ability in Speaking
Through Speaking Competition

In Indonesia, the teaching of English is generally started at the fourth grade of elementary school level and continued to the university level. However, currently there is a new trend that English is taught since the first grade of elementary school. Some or many more education institutions have even given English since the students were in the kindergarten level. The teaching of English in Indonesia, particularly at senior high school, aims to enable the students to use English for communication. To achieve this goal, the teaching of English is directed to develop the students’ competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In particular, being able to speak English is important. This is because the ability to use the language in daily communication is the indicator that someone has mastered the language.
Most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspects of learning a second or foreign language and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. Teaching speaking is not an easy task for English teachers. Teachers often face many constraints in teaching students how to speak well. The students are usually shy to express their feeling, ideas, or wishes. This may be caused by their being afraid of making mistakes, being laughed at by their classmates, or being criticized in the classroom. Another factor that could block the learners’ ability in speaking in motivation. This might be caused by the idea that English in Indonesia is a foreign language which is not used in daily communication.

The design of action research consists of four steps: planning an action, implementing an action, observing, and reflecting.
1.      Planning the action
A lesson plan was made as a guideline before conducting the teaching activities. Formulating instructional objective is very important to decide before conducting the activity because it leads to the achievement of the objective of the study or the expected result of the teaching and learning. The instructional objective is based on the basic competence. In the study, the basic competence is asking and giving opinion and asking and giving agreement or disagreement of the situation given. The whilst-teaching stage was intended to implement the theory into practice. The post-teaching stage was intended to emphasize the students’ paradigm about speaking ability. The procedures of the teaching consist of three stages: pre-teaching, whilst-teaching and post-teaching stages. The pre-teaching stage was intended to activate the students’ background knowledge about the topic and recall the materials from the previous lesson.

2.      The Implementation of the Strategy
In the pre-teaching stage, the students were given the rules of the activities. The teacher also told them about the nature of speaking and the expression that they are going to practice. This activity always does when process of teaching is going on in everyday in class.

The results of the data analysis were presented to answer the research question. It was presented in two categories: scores of the students’ performance and responses to the questionnaire. The former category was used to show the improvement of the students’ speaking skill, whereas the latter category was used to know the students’ opinions on the instructional activities conducted on the speaking competition basis.

As pointed out earlier, communication is important in the teaching and learning a language. It means that the teaching of English by using a traditional method that focuses on grammar mastery should be avoided. The product of teaching should guarantee the learners on what they have mastered after the learning activities were completed. This is because success of learning a language is measured in terms of ability to carry out a conversation in the language. However, teachers should know how to develop the speaking ability of their students. They should also know what strategy is suitable with their students so that they can improve the speaking ability of the students.
The results of this study show that motivation is one of the key factors that drive the students to speak and the power of immediate reward is undeniable.
These factors influence the students’ mastery in speaking as the students were forced to produce understandable utterances although they still made grammatical mistakes. Errors are the sign of the language development and tolerable for the learners. Addition, it is important that the students be given feedback so that they could correct mistakes in their sentences. And because errors naturally happen to the learners, they should not be looked down.

The findings of the study confirm that speaking competition is effective to improve the students’ motivation and their speaking ability. It is recommended that teachers apply this strategy to improve the speaking ability of the students. Additionally, the students need to be motivated and given a useful and effective strategy so that their speaking ability can be improved. English teachers are suggested to apply the strategy especially in speaking class so that the teaching of English can be made more challenging and effective.

The Three Sources of Education

The Three Sources of Education

There are three ways we can learn for our education: the home, the school and the community. Education in the home begins when we are still small children. We learn things from our parents and grandparents. When we are five or six years old, we have the school education. Then, when we are adults, we learn things from our neighbors and other members of our community.
            Home education is important because it place the basic for our development. A good family usually teaches their children to behave well in the neighborhood. They show us the differences between good things and bad things. A student who comes from a good family is usually a good student at school. Sometimes, invite private teachers to teach their children. Of course, home education is not limited by time and place. You can have lesson anytime you want.
            School education is given by a formal institution and is of course, limited by time and space. Furthermore, school education is usually highly professional and structured. The school gives you a set of aims to achieve. They give you certain subjects to learn. They also have a lot of regulations for you to follow. For example, we must come to school on time. We must not keep classes without the permission of the teacher on picket. We must not smoke the cigarettes at school. We must not fight. We must wear a uniform to go to school. if we follow these regulations, it means that we have become good members of the school.  A successful student is one who achieves the aims, pass the subjects and follow the school regulations.
            Community education gives us important things that we may not learn at home or at school. For example, we learn to manage an organization in the community. In the place where you live, you can join the youth body of your village. There are certain values that we must have to become a good person. A value is good thing to follow. For example, ‘young people must respect older people’ is a value. If we observe this value, we will get reward. If we respect other people, then other people will respect us. This is the reward. In the same way, if we are polite towards other people, then other people will be polite toward us. If everybody observes our good values, we will have a good society. Just like home education, community education is very important. Successful people are usually those who are active in community organization.   



PART 1          : Vocabulary
1.      I’m a big head                          = Aku jadi GR nich….
2.      I gotta  go                                 = Aku harus pergi
3.      Just by chance/ Accident         = Cuma  kebetulan
4.      Make it fast!                            = cepetan
5.      Hurry up!                                 = cepat
6.      You first/ after you                  = kamu duluan
7.      Please go ahead!                      = silahkan duluan
8.      Take care yourself                   = hati-hati
9.      Keep silent please!                   = tolong diam
10.  I’m leaving                              = aku pergi/ duluan
11.  Are there some more               = ada lagi?
12.  Gimme a break                                    = yang benar saja!
13.  Speak up/ Louder please          = yang keras ngomongnya
14.  Long time no see                     = lama gak ketemu
15.  Turn it up                                 = besarkan volumenya
16.  How can it be?                         = bagaimana bisa?
17.  Where have you been              = dari mana saja kamu
18.  Take it easy                             = santai saja
19.  I can’t stay anymore                = aku gak tahan lagi!
20.  Have some more                      = tambah lagi
21.  Not yet                                     = belum
22.  Repeat once more                    = ulangi sekali lagi
23.  Any question?                         = ada pertanyaan?
24.  Are you kidding?                     = apa kamu bercanda?
25.  Move a bit please                     = geser sedikit dong
26.  Pardon/ excuse me/ sorry!       = maaf bisa ulangi lagi
27.  Do you get it?                          = apa kamu paham?
28.  Shut up!                                   = diam
29.  Sorry, I’m in hurry                   = maaf aku terburu-buru nie?
30.  Easy going                               = cuek aja dech.
31.  Pity on you                              = kasihan kamu
32.  What ashamed!                                    = memalukan
33.  Anything you say!                   = terserah kamu
34.  No kidding!                             = jangan bercanda
35.  Feel free to…                           = jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk…
36.  Whose turn is it?                      = giliran siapa sekarang?
37.  Don’t disturb me!                    = jangan menggangguku
38.  Don’t take it personal!             = jangan diambil hati
39.  Are you finished/ done                        = apa kamu sudah selesai?
40.  Who is inside                           = siapa didalam?
41.  It’s on me                                = aku yang bayar
42.  More or less                             = kurang lebih
43.  Wish me luck                           = do’akan aku berhasil
44.  What to be done                      = yah…apa boleh buat
45.  Well yah!                                 = bagaimana yah…!
46.  The sooner the better               = lebih cepat lebih baik
47.  Just in case                              = Cuma untuk jaga-jaga
48.  I don’t mean may be                = aku tidak maen-maen
49.  Take your time                                    = jangan tergesa-gesa
50.  Are you confused?                  = apa kamu bingung?
51.  Please turn off the lamp                       = tolong matikan lampunya
52.  Don’t worry!                            = jangan khawatir!
53.  Stand in line, will you?                        = antri dong
54.  Wait a minute/ a moment         = tunggu sebentar
55.  What happens?                                    = ada apa?
56.  I want take a dump                  = aku mau buang air besar
57.  I want to take a leak                 = aku mau buang air kecil
58.  Do tell!                                                = lantas!
59.  There you go                           = nah gitu donk
60.  Here we go again                     = nah, mulai lagi dech!
61.  I tell you what                          = begini saja
62.  Reap what you show               = rasain lhoo!
63.  Just like that                             = Cuma begitu saja!
64.  Just don’t take it hard              = begitu saja kok repot
65.  Calm down                              = tenang
66.  I owe you one                          = aku berhutang budi padamu
67.  She what I’ve told you             = gue bilang juga apa
68.  Oh, no don’t tell me                 = ah, jangan-jangan
69.  Remember your manners         = jangan lupa sopan santunmu
70.  You’re really something                      = ada-ada saja kamu
71.  Take it or leave it                     = mau apa nggak?
72.  Whatever will be will be          = apa yang terjadi terjadilah
73.  It’s really suck                         = ini benar-benar menyebalkan
74.  It’s too much                           = ini sudah keterlaluan
75.  Last but not least                      = terakhir tapi tidak kalah penting
76.  Over my dead body                 = langkahi dulu mayat ku
77.  Love the way I am                   = cintai aku apa adanya
78.  Take it as granted                     = terimalah apa adanya


PART 2          : Idioms

1.      What do you think you are doing                   = apa – apaan sih kamu
2.      It’s out of  my hand                                        = kali ini di luar kendaliku
3.      I didn’t know what I was doing                     = saya tidak tahu apa yang harus ku lakukan
4.      I think I’m in love with her                             = kurasa aku jatuh cinta padanya
5.      Don’t  play smart with we                              = jangan so pintar
6.      Don’t  tell me what to do                               = jangan mengatur akulah
7.      I am not I was                                                 = aku bukan yang dulu lagi
8.      Don’t give a bird                                             = jangan mengejekku
9.      I  miss you like hell                                         = aku kangen banget sama kamu
10.  It’s out of style                                               = ini udah ga zaman lagi
11.  Have some                                                      = mau coba
12.  Lets grub some food                                       = makan yuk
13.  Lets grub a bite out                                         = makan di luar yuk
14.  Have some more                                             = tambah lagi
15.  Save some of for me                                       = sisain buat aku ya
16.  Any grub left for me                                       = ada sisa buat aku
17.  I’ve got my tummy full                                   = saya sudah kenyang
18.  Is there another one                                        = ada lagi
19.  Eats what’s here                                              = makan aja apa adanya
20.  For here or to go                                             = makan disini / di bungkus
21.  Could you buy me something ……                = boleh titip sesuatu
22.  Fuck handsome                                               = tampan / ganteng sekali
23.  For here / take away                                        = makan sini / bungkus
24.  It’s on me                                                        = biar aku yang traktir
25.  Seller of streets                                               = penjual kaki lima
26.  Heard to hearing                                             = budek
27.  Want some more                                             = tambah lagi
28.  Want some                                                      = mau coba
29.  I have had enough for this                              = aku sudah muak denagn semua ini
30.  Knock it up                                                     = hentikan
31.  Cut the funny stuff                                         = hentikan lelucon ini
32.  Don’t look  several little point                        = jangan remehkan hal yang kecil
33.  Let me save you the trouble                            = biar aku yang lakukan
34.  He’s walking on the air                                   = jangan lupa daratan
35.  What’s all the fuss                                          = ada apa ribut – ribut
36.  What’s all the commission about                    = rame – rame ada apa
37.  What’s all the telling and shouting about       = ada apa sampai teriak – teriak
38.  What’s it                                                         = ada masalah
39.  What’s wrong with her                                   = ada apa dia bersikap begitu
40.  What’s bothering you                                     = ada apa mengganggu pikiran kita
41.  Can I see you tonight                                      = bisa ketemuan ga nanti malam
42.  I’m sorry I have got many things to do          = aku banyak kerjaan
43.  Why you didn’t answer my call                      = kenapa ga jawab telp aku
44.  I am on my way                                              = aku dalam perjalanan
45.  Why didn’t you call me back                          = kenapa kamu ga telp balik
46.  What are you looking at                                  = apa liat – liat
47.  Don’t  you ever do that to me again               = jangan pernah ngelakuin hal itu lagi
48.  Don’t mees with me                                        = jangan macam – macam sama aku
49.  Can’t you take a joke                                      = ga bisa di ajak bercanda
50.  Who do you think you are                              = kamu pikir kamu siapa
51.  Don’t stand in my way                                   = jangan halangi jalanku
52.  Don’t go anywhere                                         = jangan kemana – mana
53.  I’ll be right back                                              = aku akan segera kembali
54.  What are you smiling at                                  = kenapa kamu senyum – senyum
55.  Get back in the time                                        = antri dulu
56.  Just leave it to god                                          = serahkan saja pada Tuhan
57.  I’m done and over with her                            = aku ga ada hubungan lagi dengannya
58.  Not long after ward                                        = lama – kelamaan
59.   See anything interesting                                 = ada yang menarik
60.  Are you trying to fool me                               = kamu coba nyibulin aku
61.  Hand it over to me                                          = serahkan padaku
62.  Don’t interrupt me                                          = jangan menyelak pembicaraan
63.  Are you listening to me                                   = apa kamu paham maksud saya
64.  He keep on working                                        = dia bekerja keras
65.  Don’t even think about it                                = jangan coba memamerkan hal itu
66.  How do you know that                                   = ko kamu bisa tahu
67.  I don’t give a damn about it                           = aku ga peduli dengan hal itu
68.  You are lucky dog man                                   = kamu orang yang beruntung
69.  I know nothing about it                                  = aku ga tahu sama sekali
70.  Don’t look down on me                                  = jangan meremehkan aku
71.  I get cold                                                         = masuk angin
72.  Welcome errors                                               = jangan takut salah
73.  You’re really something                                  = kamu ada – ada saja
74.  What do you think you are doing                   = kenapa seh kamu
75.  Make sure every thinking’s ok                        = pastikan semua baik – baik saja
76.  Keep your coll                                                 = jangan lepas kendala
77.  How do I look                                                            = bagaimana penampilanku
78.  I’m so nervous                                                            = aku gugup sekali
79.  I don’t know what you see her                       = aku ga tahu apa yang terbaik
80.  Do you mean it                                               = apa kamu bersungguh – sungguh
81.  I’m nature enough                                           = aku cukup dewasa
82.  Just do what I tell you                                                = lakukan saja perintahku
83.  Get out of my face                                          = pergi sana
84.  Would do you forgive me                               = maukah kamu memaafkan aku
85.  I don’t wanna talk to you anymore                = aku ga mau lagi ngomong sama kamu
86.  I think you have to know this                        = aku rasa kamu harus tahu
87.  You drive me crazy                                         = kamu membuat aku gila
88.  I’m not an easily fooled person                      = aku bukan orang yang gampang di bodohi 
89.  I don’t have to impose on others                    = aku ga mau bergantung pada orang lain
90.  I enjoy studying outdoors                               = aku suka belajar di luar
91.  It was nightmare                                             = itu pengalaman yang pahit sekali
92.  We have to learn by experience                      = kita harus belajar dari pengalaman
93.  I know that from experience                           = aku tahu itu berdasarkan pengalaman
94.  He’s a man of the world                                 = dia berpengalaman luas
95.  He’s babe in the woods                                  = orang itu belum berpengalaman
96.  Would you forgive                                          = maukah kamu memaafkan aku
97.  He’s walking dictionary                                  = dia berpengetahuan luas
98.  Now you tell me                                             = aku harus tahu sekarang
99.  No love before meeting                                  = tak kenal maka tak saying
100.                      You can’t run away from this problem           = kamu ga bisa lari dari masalah itu


PART 2          : Idioms
1.      I’m glad to see you                                   = glad de see you
2.      Have the right to                                       = berhak
3.      Have the heart to                                      = tega
4.      Hard to hearing                                         = budek
5.      I love you all ont                                       = saya mencintai kamu mati – matian
6.      I don’t know at all                                                = saya tidak tahu sama sekali
7.      Every cloud has a silver lining                  = habis gelap terbitlah terang
8.      First come first serve                                 = siapa cepat dia dapat
9.      Get off my back                                        = jangan mengganggu ku
10.  Got the message                                        = paham, mengerti
11.  Get a lot of that                                        = coba liat itu
12.  Hang it there                                             = sabarlah
13.  Talk with you tomorrow                           = sampai jumpa besok
14.  Come off it man                                        = jangan belaga
15.  I’m the apple of your eyes                        = kamu milikku seorang
16.  What I see what I like                               = apa yang ku liat apa yang ku suka
17.  Don’t do such thing                                  = jangan ngomong gitu
18.  I’m unbeatable                                          = aku tak terkalahkan
19.  Lets do the  monkey fuck                         = puntung api rokok
20.  Warm of the bunch                                   = nongkrong
21.  Don’t play with the boogers                     = jangan ngupil
22.  Over acting                                               = lebay
23.  What do I get for it                                   = imbalan apa yang saya dapat
24.  Where are they anyway                            = dimana mereka sebenarnya
25.  What the fuck is wrong with you             = demi Tuhan ada apa dengan mu
26.  Whatever I do is wrong                            = begini salah, begitu salah
27.  You’ll never get away with it                   = anda tidak pernah berhasil
28.  You’re telling me                                      = memang
29.  Don’t follow the crowd                            = jangan ikut – ikutan
30.  Don’t get stirred up                                  = jangan mudah terpengaruh
31.  Don’t indulge in pleasure                          = jangan mengumbar hawa nafsu
32.  Everything has been over                          = semuanya telah berakhir
33.  Everything’s gonna be alright                   = semuanya baik – baik saja
34.  His days are numbered                             = ajalnya sudah dekat
35.  He throws himself at the girl                    = dia bertekuk lutut
36.  He’s walking on the air                             = dia lupa daratan
37.  He’s buying time                                       = dia mengulur – ngulur waktu
38.  He likes showing off his wealth               = dia sedang pamer kekayaan
39.  He’s narrow minded                                 = dia erpikiran picik
40.  Hold your horses                                       = sabar
41.  He always butters up the boss                  = dia selalu mencari muka
42.  He slept like a baby                                   = dia tidur nyenyak
43.  He has roving eyes                                    = dia mata keranjang
44.  He has a hang over                                    = dia sudah teller
45.  Hell if I know                                           = aku ga tau
46.  Enough is enough I can’t take it anymore= sudah cukup aku ga tahan lagi
47.  Light breeze (wind)                                  = angin sepoi – sepoi